Visual Stress & Reading Eye Clinic
Those experiencing difficulty with reading or symptoms of dyslexia should undergo a specialist vision assessment to check for any possible, underlying visual anomalies.
A Specialist Reading Assessment at Eye Academy Windsor
Discover our Specialist Reading Assessment to uncover hidden visual anomalies that may contribute to reading difficulties. Whether your child is experiencing blurred words, hesitant reading, or dyslexia-like symptoms, our assessment can provide valuable insights. Find out more about how we can help your child overcome challenges and improve their reading skills. Click here to learn more about our Specialist Reading Assessment.
Visual Problems, Dyslexia and Reading
Have you noticed your child reading slowly or hesitantly, struggling with school work or experiencing headaches or sore eyes? These signs can be associated with Dyslexia but are also common symptoms of Visual Stress.
Visual Stress & Reading Case Study
For years Sam and Paul Jones from Surrey suffered from an undetected eye condition that had a significant impact on their progress at school. Here, Mum, Sue explains how she discovered that her two sons and husband all had the same disorder and why seeking professional help was the best thing she ever did.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find all of the Frequently Asked Questions we receive regarding the Visual Stress and Reading Assessments at Eye Academy. If you have a question we have missed, get in touch and we will be able to assist further.
Specialist Reading Assessment Technology
Colorimetry - The Cerium Colorimeter
The correction of any underlying visual problems can often dramatically reduce symptoms in many individuals who are struggling with reading and writing. However, those who are still having difficulties may benefit from a colourimetry assessment.
The Clinical Eye Tracker
The Clinical Eye Tracker is an exciting new tool to accurately assess eye movements and binocular vision. Eye-tracking recordings allow us to literally observe a child’s eye movements, as they read a passage of text, and this provides a brilliant opportunity to study their reading development.
Referral Form
Do you have a pupil or student that you feel would benefit from the Visual Stress & Reading clinic? If so, download and complete the form below then hand to a parent to book an appointment with us.
Need More Information?
If you have a question about the Visual Stress & reading Clinic, or think your child may benefit from having an assessment, get in touch today.